
Kamis, 14 April 2011

Hari Kamis lagi???

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim. . .

hmmb, yupz, This is Thursday?
What's wrong?

Mungkin buat semua orang, hari Kamis itu hari yang biasa aja.
Tapi buat seorang mahasiswa seperti saya ini, Hari Kamis merupakan hari TerEkstrim.
hha. . .haa :D

You know why?

hmmb. . .
It's starting when I joined as the commitee on the annual celebration for my major (no Dispensasi) and came late to the "Promnet" class (3 minutes).
Promnet stands for Pemrograman Internet.
One of the subject that is learning about how to manage or make a program in internet.

Because of the maximum limits that  I can take (absent) from the class just 2 chances. And, if we are come late more than 15 minutes, dianggap absent. HORRROR!!!
I have took that chances all. And if I come late again, my lecture will give "E" for my final score.
And now,
I have no more chances if I come late to the class anymore.
hmmmb, that's why guys. . .

Basically, Thursday is my day!!!
Because my mom told me that I was born on Thursday.
Hhhag. . .

4 komentar:

  1. haha, gak penting banget -,-"
    udah tau takut tlat, smpet2nya hho

    well, keep writing.
    it's good :D

  2. hhag. . .
    maka dr itu,:D

    siip, sama2 ya :D
    Ayo Menuliiiis :)

  3. Sok atuh nulis lagi, udah lama gak posting nih :)
